The truth is ... if we want to turbo-charge the Law of Attraction in our lives, we need to approach our lives with passion and intensity.
This is the foundation of the Law of Attraction. Is it true?10 reasons why people living with passion are able to accelerate the
Law of Attraction in their lives are:
1) Passion Flames Focused Action.
Not all action results in positive outcomes. But any action is better than no action. Any action you take bridges the gap between the spiritual and the physical. Like a laser beam, action focused action concentrates your activity and energy in powerful ways, which in turn accelerates your results.
2) Passion Fuels Our Desired Outcomes
When we are not passionate, we do things half heartedly and achieve run of the mill results. With passion, we are virtually assured of excellent success in what we want to achieve.
3) Passion Opens The Floodgates of Creative Inspiration
Haven't you experienced this before. When you are passionate and excited about something, your mind becomes like a creative force that cannot be stopped. You develop one amazing idea after another. But when you are lackadaisical about something, nothing creative comes to mind no matter how much time you spend on it. Like resonance, passion is a higher frequency vibration that will attract more high-frequency vibrations " like creativity and ingenuity. And when the two frequencies are in harmony, you get extreme results!
4) Passion Turbo-charges Your Results
Whether your focused on increasing your financial abundance or creating a work of art, your strong flames of passion and emotion will usually propel your results so that you achieve what you want more quickly that you would ordinarily.
5) Passion Inspires Clear Vision On The Way Ahead
Life is full of choices and that includes the paths we take. No one path is correct or wrong but some paths are more difficult to tread on than others. Passion helps us to choose the right path by giving us greater clarity and insight because of its importance and meaning to us.
6) Passion Keeps You Firmly
In The PresentA nature of a passionate person is that they are completely immersed in what they are doing at the moment. They do not worry about the future or dwell in the past. Look at any athlete, they live for the moment they are playing. Nothing else matters. Not the past or future games. It is the next point. Not the end score. So if we can learn to focus on our current activities, we will enjoy them more and achieve more.
7) Passion - An Escape from Complaints
Instead of complaining and being unhappy about what we do not want, passion helps shift our attention to focus better on what we do want. The more we do things that we are passionate about, the less time we focus on what we do not have, the unhappy things. The negative things. And we start attracting more of the positive things!
8) Passion Means No Fear
Passion fills you with an adrenaline rush that blocks out all fears and resistance. Instead of anxieties, passion drives you forward and enables you to do things you never could have done.
9) Passion Extends Endurance
When as engaged in activities of our passion, time flies and we do not even feel that we have been working on it a long time. We spend time and get lost in it because we love it and achieve so much more. So with passion, we build endurance to achieve greater results than we would normally have.
10) Passion Begets Passion
Passion fuels passion. Emotions like love, grace, joy, hope are often magnified when we ourselves are part of it. So it is with passion. The more passionate we are, the bigger the flames of passion will burn. So much so that it becomes an unstoppable fire, fueling itself.The Law of Attraction speaks about the vibrations you emit to the universe. If you emit strong emotions, like your passion, it will eventually return to you in the same or similar form. So if you want to reap what you sow, make sure your infuse whatever you do with passion and energy and just marvel when this creates a circle of love, joy and abundance in your life!
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