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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Had a Disastrous Date? What to Do When You Get Home

Recently I was interviewed on a Love and Relationship talk radio show. It was the first time the host had heard about the Law of Attraction and she was very interested in the concept. After explaining what the Law of Attraction was about - offering positive and negative vibes and that those vibes resulted in all of us attracting positive or negative things into our lives, she asked me the question, “What should someone do if they’ve just come home from a disastrous date?” My answer was simple, “Don’t tell anybody about it!”

When most people find themselves in that situation, they repeat and regurgitate their negative experience over and over and over again. Picking up the phone, they reminisce about how bad the date was, telling numerous people all about how they didn’t like this or that and usually going on and on about their experience in great detail. All the while, they are offering negative vibrations by giving that which they didn’t want more of their attention, energy and focus.The Law of Attraction doesn’t know whether the ‘thing’ you are giving your attention, energy or focus to, is good or bad to you, or whether you want it or don’t want it. It simply responds to the vibes you are offering by matching them and giving you more of the same!

Knowing what you didn’t like about your date is very important to applying the Law of Attraction to your life IF you use that information to help yourself become clearer about what it is you DO want on your next date. When you come home from a disastrous date, DON’T pick up the phone! Instead, build a list of what you didn’t like. For example:

· My date was late

· My date talked too much about themself

· My date was a poor listener

· My date didn’t seem interested in me

· My date was quite negative

If you continue to give these things more of your attention, energy and focus, you will certainly attract more of the same on your next date. So when you find yourself wondering why you keep attracting the same kind of dating experience or relationship over and over and over again, the answer is always the same. You are attracting a perfect match to what you are offering vibrationally.

How can you stop offering the vibration of what you don’t want? The solution is simple. Just refer to your list and ask yourself, “So, what do I want?”

What I Don’t Want

So, What Do I Want?

My date was late
I want my date to show up on time

My date talked too much about themself
I want my date to converse on a variety of subjects

My date was a poor listener
I want my date to be an attentive listener

My date didn’t seem interested in me
I want my date to be interested in me

My date was quite negative
My date felt very positive

The key point here is when you go from what you don’t want to what you do want, the words change. As your words change your vibration also changes. Now you are offering a new vibration which the Law of Attraction will respond to by sending you more of the same.

Remember - when you spend your time talking about what you don’t like; telling others about what you don’t like; journaling and remembering what you don’t like; you are spending all that time giving attention to the very things you don’t want. All the while, the Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration and matching it with more of the same.

So, if you are curious and want to know what vibes you are offering about an ideal date or ideal relationship, take a look and see what you are getting right now–-it’s always a perfect match to what you are offering vibrationally.

Next time you come home from a disastrous date take the time to notice what you did like about it and celebrate that! Then, make a list of what you didn’t like and ask yourself the question, “So, what do I want?” Use your time to give your attention, energy and focus to what you DO want, knowing that the Law of Attraction is responding to your new vibration. Get ready to notice all the ways your next date is a closer match to your list of what you DO want.

Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience.

For more articles by Michael Losier, Teleclass information or to purchase the book, Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't,